

You may be eligible to join Aetna Better Health FIDA Plan if you are:

  • Entitled to benefits under Medicare Part A
  • Enrolled under Medicare Parts B and D
  • Receiving full Medicaid benefits
  • Aged 21 or older
  • Living in our service area -- Kings (Brooklyn), New York (Manhattan), Queens, Nassau and Suffolk counties
  • Actively using New York Medicaid or are Medicaid-eligible
  • Able to live safely in your home
  • Needing home care for at least 120 days after enrolling

Your primary care provider (PCP) must be willing to work with us

You need a PCP who agrees to work with Aetna Better Health. It not, you’ll need to be willing to change to a doctor who will work with us.

Once you’re enrolled, your PCP needs to make sure you receive your care from Aetna Better Health FIDA Plan providers. You also must agree to use our network for all covered services. You can continue to see any Medicare doctor, pharmacy or hospital for services not covered by Aetna Better Health FIDA Plan.

Call now to set up an appointment. One of our registered nurses will come visit you to see if you qualify and go over our services.