Provider Directory

Under Aetna Better Health of New York’s managed long term care plan, you can continue to see your own doctors, including your Primary Care Physician and any specialists you might require under your Medicaid or Medicare.

When you enroll in Aetna Better Health of New York’s, you will also have access to the services from our network of providers listed in the Provider Directory.

The Aetna Better Health of New York’s Provider List provides a directory of our participating providers in Nassau, Suffolk, Queens, Kings (Brooklyn) and New York (Manhattan) counties.

Every provider has been carefully chosen and credentialed, and you can be confident that each one, including home health aides, skilled nursing, meal delivery services and therapists, is qualified and insured, and has met all of the applicable requirements for certification or licensing.

This Provider Directory is current as of February 2019 and approved by DOH. Some participating providers may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get the most up-to-date information about Aetna Better Health of New York’s participating providers in your area, please contact member services at 855-456-9126.

Provider Directory