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For general info: 1-855-300-5528 (TTY: 711),Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM ET.
For help in a crisis or emergency: 1-888-604-6106 (TTY: 711),24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What is the SKY program?
What is the SKY program?
SKY members receive their coverage and extra benefits through Aetna Better Health of Kentucky. Our care management team includes nurses and social workers. We'll work with health care providers, agencies and others to get your child the services they need. We can help make appointments and discuss your child’s care with their doctor. We can also help families find their way and make it easier to get the resources they need.
Who can enroll in the SKY program?
Who can enroll in the SKY program?
The SKY program serves children:
In foster care, adopted from foster care or formerly in foster care
Placed with fictive kin (person not related by blood but who has a meaningful and positive relationship with a child)
Dually committed to the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) and the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ)
DJJ youth eligible for Medicaid
We directly support members, foster parents, adoptive caregivers, community partners and workers from DCBS and DJJ.
DCBS approves eligibility for the SKY program. Not sure if you’re eligible? Just call your local DCBS office at 1‑855‑306‑8959. You can also find out if you qualify for programs like Medicaid or the Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program (KCHIP). Just visit the Assistance and Support Programs for Kentuckians website.
Extra benefits for SKY members
Through the SKY program, we’ll provide extra benefits (PDF). These help our members stay connected with their support systems.
Eligible SKY members also have access to:
Connections for Life (ages 13 to 17): Free smartphone and wireless plan (for eligible members who aren’t in a stable placement)
Connections for Life (ages 18 to 26): Free laptop for eligible members
SKY Duffel Bag Program: Duffel bag filled with personal hygiene items, supplies and a blanket for SKY members who are going from one home to another
Birthday in a Box: Eligible members get a “birthday in a box,” which includes party supplies and a gift
FamilyCare CentralTM: An app that makes key info available to members and their caregivers, like appointments, care plans, claims, ID cards and messaging
Want to learn more about benefits?
Info and help for SKY members
Getting started with your Member Portal
SKY frequently asked questions and answers
Supporting Kentucky Youth English (PDF) | Español (PDF)
SKY Companion Guide English (PDF) | Español (PDF)
Extra Benefits for Aetna Better Health of Kentucky Members (PDF)
Beneficios adicionales para los miembros de Aetna Better Health of Kentucky (PDF)
Community partners
We’re here to provide direct support and resources not only to our members, but also to:
Foster parents
Adoptive parents
Community partners
State agencies
You have access to free trainings and lots of ways to get involved and give feedback, too.
Supporting Kentucky Youth English (PDF) | Español (PDF)
Get involved
Learn about the member advisory committee or “MAC.” This
group helps us find ways to better serve Kentucky’s youth.
You can also stay up to date with local news and events.